
營業時間為星期一至星期五上午9:00~下午9:00 (日本時間)。 (非免費電話)
營業時間為星期一至星期五上午9:00~下午9:00 (日本時間)。 (非免費電話)
4 months ago
Had the set menu wagu beef on 20th November.The food was absolutely a delight to eat, so many dishes. The waiter was fantastic with attention to detail. He explained every dish to us, how to eat, what to pair it with & where it came from. I would definitely recommend this place. The atmosphere was also very peaceful.
Google reviewnick longden
9 months ago
impressive European Japanese dishes for drinks. satisfied. :-)
Google reviewYM James Chung
3 weeks ago
Had a very nice lunch, sashimi donburi. Very friendly staff.
Google reviewMartijn Danse
a week ago
“Izakaya Tanuki” (Nishiazabu) Food, space, hospitality, (price) very satisfying Cozy Japanese food that you don't really want to know about. ・Cooking is up to you: Steamed egg custard with clear tomato soup. Three kinds of small appetizers. Fish and shellfish. A different bowl. Hot seafood dishes. Hot meat dishes. A light mix of Japanese and French dishes. ・Choose a time-based free drink course. Next time I would like to sit at the counter.
Google reviewRandy Logiemo (Randy)
8 months ago
An adult izakaya has opened in Nishiazabu! This is "Izakaya Tanuki". The location is right next to the Nishiazabu intersection. This large noren is a landmark. The bright interior has a total of 21 seats at a lively counter and tables. Today I went to the counter. On this day, I ordered a 10-item omakase course. Furthermore, the all-you-can-drink option called the Gabunomi course costs 2,000 yen. First, we started with three appetizers. Onion mousse with a soft and smooth texture. To finish off the white fish with kelp, The all-you-can-drink option includes wine and sake, which is nice! Next is foie gras chawan mushi. Rich foie gras with chawan mushi made with a gentle dashi soup. And 3 hot dishes. Fluffy grilled white fish paired with bright spinach sauce. While snacking on pickles. Next, crab cream croquette. Creamy and rich with lots of crab. delicious. The meat is grilled gamecock marinated in koji with a plump texture. The sauce is white miso. The final meal was hayashi rice, Sudachi somen, and grilled Arita beef yukke rice. You can choose from 3 types. For the heart, I chose the grilled Arita beef yukke rice. Break up the egg yolk into the meatball-like chunks of meat on top of the rice. When you break up the meat, the inside is perfectly rare! The flavor of the meat, sauce, and egg yolk combine to make it delicious. The flavor is perfect for rice. Drink plenty of alcohol and thoroughly enjoy it until the end. This price is quite good. Even though it's in the middle of Nishiazabu, it has a bright atmosphere, which is nice. I want to come back to this adult bar. Thank you for the meal!
Google review伊藤初美(ハツ)

如有事需要諮詢餐廳,請致電品味日本服務台。我們安排了能說中文的接線生為您服務。營業時間為星期一至星期五上午9:00~下午9:00 (日本時間)。 (非免費電話)
- location_on如何抵達
- 從惠比壽站東口步行8分鐘。
- restaurant菜餚
- 日本料理 / 各類日本料理,日本料理 / 生魚片、海鮮料理,日本料理 / 壽司 / 壽司,日本料理
- schedule營業時間
- 午餐 11:30-14:00(最晚點餐時間13:30)/晚餐 17:30-22:00(最晚點餐時間21:00)
- block休息日
- 全年無休
- payments餐點平均價格
- 吃晚飯: 25,000 日幣 / 午餐: 10,000 日幣
- credit_card付款資訊
Visa / JCB / Diners Club / American Express / MasterCard
- pin_drop餐廳位置
東京都澀谷區惠比壽1-25-7 Sangrada惠比壽1樓 地圖
- local_taxi餐廳位置(若搭乘計程車,請出示此地址)
- 東京都渋谷区恵比寿1-25-7サングラーダ恵比寿1F
- translate繁體中文服務
- 未知
銀座 壽司青木
青木 利勝
握壽司大約在江戶末期(19 世紀初期)開始成為一般食物種類。 當時攤販在江戶迅速竄紅,而「握壽司」便是誕生於這樣的攤販之間。 這種握壽司由於食材使用了於東京灣,也就是江戶的前方(江戶前)所捕撈到的海鮮與海苔,因此被稱之為「江戶前壽司」。 據說當時的握壽司大小約有一顆網球那麼大。
鮪魚 早在江戶時代,當時鮪魚並不被認為是一種高級的壽司食材,甚還不如一般的魚,因此被稱為「下魚 (Gesakana)」(意指便宜劣等的魚)。 畢竟鮪魚最重視新鮮度,但在日本各地捕撈到的鮪魚運到江戶之後,早已不新鮮甚至已經腐敗。 因此當時用於壽司配料的鮪魚,僅限於以醬油醃漬過的紅肉部分「Tsuke」。 現今食用紅肉以外的大鮪魚肚或中鮪魚肚等的風氣,其實是近 50 年左右才興起的。 鮪魚肚 用作為壽司食材的特定部位鮪魚肉。 通常指腹部脂肪含量較高的肉。 海鯽仔 (Kohada) 為青魚的一種
打開後的蓋子,如是放置於右側的碗盤,就放在餐盤右外側;放置於左側的碗盤,就放在餐盤左外側。 用完餐後,應將蓋子依原狀蓋回。 用完後的碗盤勿疊起,直接依原本狀態擺放即可。 要移動碗盤時應放下筷子,以兩手端起。
勿以筷子挪動碗盤。 勿一手拿著筷子、單手端起碗盤。 如無筷架,則筷子應置於餐盤左緣,或把筷袋摺成筷架使用。 用畢的免洗筷應放回袋內,並把袋子尾端折彎,以表示用過。 禮貌上,拔開免洗筷時應以上下方向拔開,而非左右方向。
勿用筷子傳接食物,因為這被認為不吉利。 勿以筷子挪動碗盤。 勿以筷子搔頭等。 勿兩個人同時用筷子在碗盤上夾菜。 食用時是沾芥末醬油,有時則是沾鹽。 可把小盤子拿起食用,避免醬油滴下。
首先先點海鯽仔魚 (Kohada) 壽司的客人,被視為「壽司通」。
勿用筷子傳接食物,因為這被認為不吉利。 勿以筷子挪動碗盤。 勿以筷子搔頭等。 勿兩個人同時用筷子在碗盤上夾菜。 如果覺得這樣比較好吃,可用手取食。 吃散壽司時,勿直接把醬油淋在上面。 品嚐壽司時,基本方法是從白肉開始,並以口味較濃重的壽司食材作結, 但是即便是日本人也不見得會遵從這個食用順序,因此您也可以盡情地從想吃的食材開始品嚐。 不過,方才品嚐過的食材味道會殘留在舌頭上,此時再品嚐清淡的食材時,確實比較不容易嚐出它的特色。 在這種情況之下,建議您在品嚐下一種壽司之前,以壽司薑或是綠茶來清清嘴巴與