
營業時間為星期一至星期五上午9:00~下午9:00 (日本時間)。 (非免費電話)
營業時間為星期一至星期五上午9:00~下午9:00 (日本時間)。 (非免費電話)
11 months ago
Great service, great taste, good atmosphere. Good place for lunch
Google reviewLoginkhb Google
3 months ago
I had eel and shaved ice. Both meals are delicious and you can enjoy a happy time in a calm space. The shaved ice was also fluffy and delicious. I'll visit you again.
Google reviewnaoko shinozaki
8 months ago
I suddenly felt like eating shabu-shabu on the way to Tokyo. When I searched for Ikkyu's gourmet site, I came across Mr. Yoshino's restaurant because it had good reviews. The store's customer service was polite and the cleaning was thorough, so I was able to relieve my fatigue from the trip. For the dish, we had shabu-shabu, a tasting comparison of five types of domestic meat. The meat, both the beef and pork, was soft and delicious without any unpleasant tastes. In particular, the sesame sauce, which I don't usually like, brings out the meat without being too sweet. The ponzu sauce was also very delicious and perfect for the vegetables (^o^) It would have been perfect if there was some pickled vegetables at the end of the truffle rice.
Google reviewルナルナ
3 months ago
This is a sukiyaki-shabu-shabu specialty store located in Mikasa Kaikan in Ginza, and you can also order eel from the shop in the same hall. You can enjoy delicious meat in a calm atmosphere.
Google reviewイケ“イケチャンネル”チャンネル
8 months ago
It's been a few years since I last visited, but I was drawn to the outside lunch menu, so I came here for lunch with a friend. I ordered the seasonal menu and my friend ordered the sea bream chazuke. The restaurant also had comfortable seats for four people, and we were able to enjoy our meal at a leisurely pace. I love sesame sauce, so I used it for cold shabu, but I also used it for udon. It looked beautiful and was a dish that felt like summer. The matcha pudding for dessert was also rich, like Bavarois, and not too sweet, which I liked. I would also like to visit the store on weekdays. It was a restaurant where you could feel comfortable even if you were alone.
Google reviewティア

如有事需要諮詢餐廳,請致電品味日本服務台。我們安排了能說中文的接線生為您服務。營業時間為星期一至星期五上午9:00~下午9:00 (日本時間)。 (非免費電話)
- location_on如何抵達
- JR神田站南口步行1分鐘。
- restaurant菜餚
- 亞洲料理、民族料理 / 燒肉,亞洲料理、民族料理 / 內臟,亞洲料理、民族料理 / 韓國料理 / 燒肉,烤肉、牛排
- schedule營業時間
- 晚餐 16:00-23:00(最晚點餐時間 22:30)
- block休息日
- 全年無休
- payments餐點平均價格
- 4,000 日幣
- credit_card付款資訊
Visa / JCB / Diners Club / American Express / MasterCard -
交通IC卡 / 流通IC卡 -
PayPay / au PAY / 支付寶 / 微信支付
- pin_drop餐廳位置
東京都千代田區鍛治町2-13-28 地圖
- local_taxi餐廳位置(若搭乘計程車,請出示此地址)
- 東京都千代田区鍛冶町2-13-28
- translate繁體中文服務
- 提供中文服務人員
倒醬汁時,應小心勿倒太多。 應小心勿因醬汁造成桌子等髒黏。
筷子只用來夾配菜。 用餐時,勿直接把湯匙或筷子放在配菜上 使用湯匙時,應把筷子置在餐桌上 筷子或湯匙切勿碰撞碗盤發出聲音 禮貌上,不可讓自己的酒杯底被長輩看到 不使用公筷
打開後的蓋子,如是放置於右側的碗盤,就放在餐盤右外側;放置於左側的碗盤,就放在餐盤左外側。 用完餐後,應將蓋子依原狀蓋回。 用完後的碗盤勿疊起,直接依原本狀態擺放即可。 要移動碗盤時應放下筷子,以兩手端起。
勿以筷子挪動碗盤。 勿一手拿著筷子、單手端起碗盤。 如無筷架,則筷子應置於餐盤左緣,或把筷袋摺成筷架使用。 用畢的免洗筷應放回袋內,並把袋子尾端折彎,以表示用過。 禮貌上,拔開免洗筷時應以上下方向拔開,而非左右方向。
以古早味裝潢的汽油桶做成的椅子,請把包包或行李放進裡面 如餐桌上未設服務鈴,有事可直接大聲呼叫服務人員,不用默默等待 提供傳統料理的餐廳,是直接坐在地板上,使用矮桌用餐 勿端起碗盤進食 飯、湯都是用湯匙進食。 筷子只用來夾配菜。 用餐時,勿直接把湯匙或筷子放在配菜上 使用湯匙時,應把筷子置在餐桌上 筷子或湯匙切勿碰撞碗盤發出聲音 禮貌上,不可讓自己的酒杯底被長輩看到 不使用公筷 勿邊吃東西邊說話 應等長輩開始食用後,自己才可開始食用。並應配合長輩的用餐速度。 遠處的物品勿勉強伸手
用完餐後應把筷子等放回最初位置,並把餐巾摺整齊後放在桌上。 湯匙或筷子不可沾有食物不加處理。 基本上,用餐時不可離席。 湯匙是用來吃飯、水泡菜與湯品使用。其它菜餚則以筷子食用。