
營業時間為星期一至星期五上午9:00~下午9:00 (日本時間)。 (非免費電話)
營業時間為星期一至星期五上午9:00~下午9:00 (日本時間)。 (非免費電話)
2 years ago
Local vegetable tempura is a must try! Food was extremely delicious
Google reviewSunna Mo
7 years ago
I really liked the food here. Very interesting local ingredients and spices. There was no English menu. Cash only.
Google reviewJames
5 years ago
Excellent dishes utilizing local island ingredients to the chef’s cooking style. Great place to grub.
Google reviewdrei
7 years ago
Very tasty and local. Not the stuff that can be found in major parts in the rest of Japan
Google reviewK. Li
a month ago
There were a lot of medicinal herbs. The owner and manager, a marathon runner who collaborates with health consciousness and alcohol, serves a lot of creative dishes, mainly Ishigaki Island cuisine (Okinawa cuisine)! I also felt that they were particular about their cash-only style, and I don't usually give them a 5, but the service and customer service was so great that I gave it a rating (lol) We recommend the island fish carpaccio and rafute as they are delicious! Thank you for the meal m(__)m
Google review小塚真吾

如有事需要諮詢餐廳,請致電品味日本服務台。我們安排了能說中文的接線生為您服務。營業時間為星期一至星期五上午9:00~下午9:00 (日本時間)。 (非免費電話)
- location_on如何抵達
- 從JR「尾頭橋」站步行5分鐘。從車站往金山方向前進,穿過高速公路下的人行橋,位於國道107號沿線的建築物2樓。
- restaurant菜餚
- 日本料理 / 各類日本料理,日本料理 / 鱉料理,日本料理 / 宴席料理(日式套餐菜色) / 日本料理,日本料理
- schedule營業時間
- 【週二-週日】 晚餐 18:00-22:00 (最晚點餐時間21:00) 最晚入店時間為 19:30。【週四、週六、週日】 午餐 12:00-14:30 (最晚點餐時間12:00) 所有餐點於 12:00 開始。請準時入店。
- block休息日
- 週一
- payments餐點平均價格
- 吃晚飯: 20,000 日幣 / 午餐: 6,600 日幣
- credit_card付款資訊
UFJ Card / Visa / JCB / Diners Club / DC Card / UC Card / American Express / NICOS / MasterCard / Saison Card
- pin_drop餐廳位置
愛知縣名古屋市中川區尾頭橋1-1-35 City Corpo尾頭橋1號館2樓 地圖
- local_taxi餐廳位置(若搭乘計程車,請出示此地址)
- 愛知県名古屋市中川区尾頭橋1-1-35シティコーポ尾頭橋 1号棟2F
- translate繁體中文服務
- 未知
- list餐廳特色
午餐 / 全面禁煙 / 受理預約 / 包廂 / 有吧台座位 / 套餐菜色 / 調酒種類豐富 / 燒酒種類豐富 / 日本酒種類豐富
※若想確認是否禁煙 · 吸煙,請在備考欄中寫下相關咨詢。